FIND THE right spark plug FOR YOUR RIDE

glow plugs exclusive

Two Coil Glow Plugs


Sheathed glow plugs BRISK EXCLUSIVE are designed for Diesel engines with pre-chamber and for direct injection engines included turbocharged diesel engines. Purely two-coil design of glow tube with use of most suitable materials for heating and regulating coil enable to achieve optimal temperature of glow tube active part in all operating modes of engine starting phase, that means before the start, during the start phase (type R) and short after the start (type S).

  • New construction of glow plugs meeting demand for extreme long design and glow tube diameter from 4 mm already.
  • Fulfillment of sophisticated demands for vehicle’s servicing, abatement of harmful emissions  and substantial reduction of vehicle electrical supply system load.
  • Extension of change interval (up to 160.000 km) is substantially better than at common competitive products.
  • Reduced heating time from 3 s already.


COMPARISON GRAPH (temperature, current)


The comparison of one-coil and two-coil design